Monday, March 20, 2017


Faithfulness springs up from the ground,
    and righteousness looks down from the sky. Psalm 85:11

Aaaaaachooo! Spring has hit Nebraska; at least the part of spring that I am allergic to. Earlier today I took a walk around my yard to check on the new plants we put in last summer. I am sure my neighbors wondered who I was talking to as I happily greeted each small plant with a word of encouragement.  Spring is certainly springing up out of the ground. Now, if we can just get some good rain from the sky.

Sometimes we can feel like we are being attacked on all sides. Anxiety, depression, and grief seem to greet us around every corner. I know too many people struggling with cancer and I have been to too many funerals, lately. Selfishly, I am a bit concerned about the numbers in my bank account. It is easy for me to give in to what crowds in around me. This keeps me from seeing the blessings in between the challenges.

What I like about this verse is how it describes God coming at us from both sides; faithfulness springing up from the ground and righteousness reaching down from the sky. Like a favorite blanket at nap time, we are tucked in between for peaceful safe-keeping.

God’s faithfulness is seen in His abiding love. It matters not what the winter brought, God’s faithfulness springs up from the ground reminding us of the gift of grace.

God’s righteousness looks down from above and because of the sacrificial acts of Jesus, because of the  forgiveness offered to us each day, God’s righteousness judges us justified rather than condemned.

Yes, I encourage the beautiful grasses, bushes, ground cover, and trees planted last year to grow and fill their space. I look forward to the colors of summer and fall. In this space I also look forward to growing in God’s grace and love.

May this blessing of spring be yours, also; minus the sneezing, of course.

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